Thursday, 9 January 2014

Addiction to the Internet

Internet addiction is a phenomenon that is quickly taking over many people’s lives. Since the internet has become so easy to access, people have begun to rely on it and spend greater amounts of time using it than is necessary. Just like drug addicts, people who become addicted to the internet suffer from withdraw symptoms, often becoming irritable and on edge if not in front of their computer. The most common areas of an internet addict’s life that are affected are their health and their ability to form and keep relationships.
The physical health of an internet addict can decline rapidly. Since they spend so much time in a sitting position in front of their computer screens, addicts rarely get enough physical exercise. This can lead to muscle loss and arthritis. Often internet addicts become so engrossed in their computers that they forget to eat or drink and end up losing weight and becoming unhealthy. Constantly staying inside and not getting enough direct sunlight exposure can also lead to vitamin D deficiencies. It is easy to see the physical side effects of internet addiction, but there are other effects that often go unnoticed.
One of the most common symptoms of addiction to internet is becoming antisocial. Addicts would rather be around their computer, and talk to people through the internet than have face to face conversations. They often lose social skills and the ability to form relationships with people that they meet. This addiction is time consuming and is becoming a more common reason for break-ups and divorces. People who suffer from this addiction slowly start to become isolated and ultimately end up depending less and less on the outside world. When someone is addicted to the internet it consumes their whole life, and eventually becomes the reason why they shut the whole world out and create their own reality.

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