Thursday, 31 July 2014

Top Tips For Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Paid search advertising is a great way to grow your business, but how do you do it profitably? This is a question that I’ve been asked many times, by clients, in casual conversation, even very candidly by other digital marketing practitioners.

The complete answer of course is that there isn’t a single secret. It isn’t about one trick; it’s about having comprehensive knowledge and tactical expertise. Really successful Search Engine Marketing is about much more than just bidding for keywords.

However to try to distill the essence of the task down to one thought, the secret of successful PPC marketing is about measuring, managing and refining your campaign. It is about iterative development, good PPC marketing requires active management, it is not a fire-and-forget proposition.

When you first sit down to begin a Google AdWords (or other PPC) campaign, you are going to make some assumption, if you’re smart you’ll do some research, but ultimately you’ll create a campaign (or several campaigns) based on a whole slew of variables.

Keyword Selection and Research
To begin a campaign, a thorough PPC practitioner will:
·      Identify Keywords and Phrases Relevant to a Business or Product
·      Inventory Related Keywords and Phrases Indicative of High Purchase Intent
·      Research Cost as well as Local and Global Search Frequency
·      Build a Series of Campaigns Organized around Themes of Keywords

For example, if you’re selling cookware, one campaign may include several keywords and phrases centered around products “frying pans”, “non-stick frying pans”, and “best frying pan” may be keywords. In another campaign you may choose to target gift giving, and use words like “bridal gifts”, “wedding gifts”, “house-warming gifts” as keywords.

Creating Advertising Copy
Now that you’ve determined the initial organization of your campaigns, you can begin to write advertising copy that coincides with your campaign. The ad copy for the “gift” campaign might say something like “Give a Gift They’ll Use Forever,” while the copy for the “products” campaign will likely be different; “Professional Quality Non-Slip Pans,” for example.

Set Campaign Parameters
You’ll also need to set all of the parameters for your campaign. These are highly dependant on the business you’re working with, the transaction model, and the assets you have at your disposal.

Mobile vs. Conventional
If you don’t have strong mobile assets, a transactional mobile website, or a good reason why a customer might be doing a local search (like if you’re a local restaurant or local business), you may consider excluding mobile devices. This is not to condone ignoring the important and growing mobile browsing habits of most people, but this is about being efficient and intelligent within your PPC campaign.

Geographic Footprint
If you don’t ship products, and you have a limited geographic footprint you will want to limit the geography of your search. You own a restaurant in New York, you don't want to pay for clicks in California. The point is that you want to spend your search dollars wisely. You don’t want to be paying for clicks that will never turn into sales. Everything you’ve done so far has been about being efficient in that regard.

Activate Your Campaign
And here is where the secret (if there is one) kicks in. Starting your campaign is just that, it’s the start. You’d be amazed how many PPC specialists don’t do the above steps properly. They start out doing battle for the most expensive keywords, rather than finding creative ways to utilize the most profitable keywords to drive the most traffic and the highest return on investment (ROI); and at this point, bad only turns to worse. You would be amazed at the number of advertisers that will do hours of work in research, and then fall asleep at the switch when the campaign begins.

Once a campaign has begun is when the work kicks in. Your campaigns should be tied into your analytics. You should be tracking not just the cost per keyword, and click-through-rates, but also what happens once that traffic arrives on your site.

Does your landing page make any sense with your advertising copy? Is your website workflow efficient at converting your paid traffic?

Suppose we take our above example, and we find out that your cheapest keyword, with the highest click-through-rate is the name of a competitors product “Brand-X.”

You may choose to create a whole search campaign, including specific keywords, ad copy, even a custom landing page, which targets specifically the clicks that are searching for Brand X. You might create a whole campaign around telling your customers how your frying pan stacks up against Brand X frying pans, and what differentiates your product. This may not be the advertising tone that you want for your main website, but the beauty of PPC traffic, is that you control where you send the clicks to your paid listing.

It is through the active management of your campaigns that you will achieve the greatest return and the highest ROI. Measuring and interpreting results, and applying creative tactics in response to the ‘learnings’ that your campaigns generate is the difference between effective marketing and experimentation.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Smart Tips for Brilliant Content Writing

Who doesn’t want to write better content for Web pages? Great content can command online traffic, create revenue and help the writer of that content establish a good reputation or even an online fan following. Well-written, keyword-rich Web content is a very powerful tool. It’s also what most Web sites on the Internet desire. When you know how to write better content, there’s a lot you can achieve.

Content on the Web is a hot commodity and it’s what everyone wants. Well-written, keyword-rich content is attractive to readers, Web masters and search engines. In order to use it to boost your page rankings, levels of traffic and even revenue, you’ll have to learn how to create that content. Master a few tips and tricks, and you’ll learn the secrets of how to write better content.

Writing Better Content

Anyone can learn the secrets of writing better content, and online content can always be better. To write really good online content, it’s necessary to blend the needs of the site with the needs of the search engines — and all of this must be molded into an easy-to-read, interesting bit of information for casual Internet readers. It may sound like a lot, especially when factoring in those all-important keywords, but writing better content should always be the goal. After all, why bother if it’s no good? Highly-polished, entertaining online content reflects well on you and the site where your content is displayed…and there’s nothing wrong with that.

When writing for the Web, there are many different elements that must come together. Learn various tips and tricks that make this bit of business a little easier.

When writing for the Web, it’s easy to get caught up in keyword concerns. Certain words and phrases are all-important in every piece of content. It’s not hard at all to put so much focus into the keywords the rest of the article suffers, but there’s a way to address keyword concerns and write better content at the same time. Follow a few tricks for keyword usage and placement, and make content readable even while it remains strong with the search engines.

Phrases . The keyword phrases you use are probably the most important aspect of your content writing. The entire piece should be built around one or two strong keyword phrases. It’s these keyword phrases that should make up the titles and subtitles of your content. You’ll also want these phrases (two to four words in length, generally) to appear several times throughout the content. But where?

Placement . Many Web writers find themselves agonizing over keyword placement. Try to include your main keyword phrases at least once in every other paragraph, if not every paragraph. The keywords should appear in the titles, subtitles, and at the very beginning of the content itself. Repeat keyword phrases at least twice in each piece of content, but remember not to get too repetitive. If your phrases are appearing several times in the same paragraph, you’re just trying to swamp the search engines. You won’t achieve the placement you seek, and you’re likely to turn the online readers away from your writing.

Density . Wondering if you have enough keywords in your content? Use any number of online keyword tools to check keyword density, before publishing content live to the Internet.

One highly important aspect of online content is overlooked by writers: readability. Some writers get so focused on their keyword usage, they forget to make sure the content reads well. Remember that even online writing is still writing – and what you present will reflect on you and on the site where your content appears.

It’s important to continue to pay attention to grammar and sentence structure. Go ahead and read your content out loud after it’s written, to be sure it flows nicely and makes perfect sense.

You’ll also want to avoid big and complex words. Most people read around an eighth grade level, so be sure to write to your audience and keep content simple and easy to read at all times.

"How to" and "Top 10" articles are highly popular with both search engines and Internet readers. Articles featuring lists are very easy to read and often strike a chord with Web traffic. It’s a good idea to include articles of this type on your site.

After all the writing, reading and worry about keywords, you might think you’re finally finished with creating great online content. But there’s still more that goes into your words — the way they look. The Internet is, after all, highly visual. It only makes sense that everything on a Web site, even the content, should look attractive.

You’ll find out soon enough that long, huge blocs of text aren’t at all attractive. When writing for the Web, be sure to break up your content to create white space that helps separate certain points. It’s a good idea to include subheadings that separate different parts of your content.

You’ll also want to write in short paragraphs, as they usually appear longer on the Web than they do on your word processor. Remember that Internet users like to quickly scan Web pages to pick out the pieces they want to view more closely; they’ll treat your content the same way.

Include bullet points and lists in your online content whenever possible as well. This creates more natural division and makes it incredibly easy for readers to see exactly what the content is all about. They can easily pick out these points and look them over. For important points, you may want some words and phrases to appear in bold lettering. This can be a good way to draw the eye, but avoid over-doing it, as this might make it more difficult to read the overall pieces.

Pretty up the look of basic, boring text with links and pictures as well. You don’t want to add too many links to your content, as this can often create a distracting look. It’s a good idea to include no more than two links per paragraph. This well help some important words and phrases stand out, without creating so much confusion that your content is hard to read. Pictures should be used in much the same way; don’t swamp the pieces with photos, but break up some of that text with images meant to catch the eye. This helps the reader move down the page naturally, and interrupts that otherwise plain look of text.

Other Tips and Tricks

There’s a lot you should do if you want to write better content, and it’s hard to keep track of everything you’ve got to remember when writing. But sometimes, if you want to improve your words, you just need to know some of the things you shouldn’t do.

For instance, don’t underline . Use bold or italicized text instead. When you underline words this creates confusion, as links often appear with an underline. You’d hate to have your traffic clicking uselessly against their screens, right?

Don’t focus on too many phrases , either. The Internet is so keyword-driven that you may be tempted to stuff dozens of them in a single piece of content. You’re actually not doing yourself any good with the saturation approach. Choose one or two strong keyword phrases and place your emphasis on these words alone. Want to include more keywords on your site? Write more content.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Keyword optimization

Keyword optimization (also known as keyword research) is the act of researching, analyzing and selecting the best keywords to target to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website.
Keyword search optimization is a critical step in initial stages of search engine marketing, for both paid and organic search. If you do a bad job at selecting your target keywords, all your subsequent efforts will be in vain. So it’s vital to get keyword optimization right.
But optimizing keywords isn't something you do ONLY at the outset of a search marketing campaign. Ongoing keyword optimization is necessary to keep uncovering new keyword opportunities and to expand your reach into various keyword verticals. So keyword optimization isn’t a set it and forgets it process. By continuously performing keyword analysis and expanding your database of keywords, your site traffic, leads and sales will continue to grow.
Benefits of Keyword Optimization
In a recent survey, participants listed keyword optimization as one of the hardest tasks in search engine marketing. Because of its difficult nature, most site owners, marketers and bloggers don't spend enough time optimizing keywords. This is ironic since optimizing keywords is the most important aspect of SEO and PPC. If you don't choose and use keywords your customers are searching for, you won't get found. That means no traffic, no sales, no money.
So to look at the big picture, you must practice search engine keyword optimization to:
  • Drive qualified traffic to your website: To drive searchers to your site, you must optimize for the keywords they're searching for
  • Measure traffic potential: Analyzing the popularity of keywords helps you gauge the size of a potential online market.
  • Write effective content: By incorporating optimized keywords into your website content, you can connect instantly with potential customers and address their needs.
  • Understand user behavior: By analyzing the words that your customers use, you get an idea of their needs and how to service those needs.
Where Keyword Search Optimization Comes into Play
Keyword optimization plays a major role in every aspect of Internet marketing from content strategy, to link building, to how you group your keywords in your AdWords ad groups, to how your site content is organized, a.k.a your information architecture.
SEO Keyword Optimization
When it comes to SEO, the success of your organic search efforts rests largely on how effective you are at discovering, researching, analyzing and selecting the right search engine keywords for your website. All other aspects of SEO rely on successful keyword optimization. What's more, optimizing keywords touches every aspect of your SEO marketing efforts.
  • Title Tag: Your target keywords must be included in the title tag (and front loaded). This is the most important piece of content on your website, both on and off-page.
  • Links: Keyword optimization should be integrated into your link building strategy. Internal links, inbound links, breadcrumb links, navigational links should all have your top optimized keywords. It's also important to track and manage your link text efforts
  • Content strategy: If you want to rank well and connect with searchers, you need to use your target keywords in your content. WordStream for SEO helps combine keyword research with content authoring (just saying...).
  • Images: Don't forget to optimize keywords in the pictures on your website. Target keywords should be used in your image alt attribute and file names, to name a few.
  • Meta Description: There's some debate over whether or not including target keywords in your text snippets helps rankings. But there's little doubt that having your optimized keywords here produces more clicks in searches, which is optimal.
  • URL: Be sure to include keywords for SEO in file name slugs, like I've done with this page's URL. The page is about keyword optimization, so the slug name is /keyword-optimization.
  • Site Structure: Keyword optimization is also critical to how you structure and organize your site content. Not only do you need to select the right keywords, but you need to group them hierarchically and order the corresponding pages on your website accordingly.
PPC Keyword Optimization
But optimized keywords aren't just for organic search marketing. There's tremendous value in optimizing your PPC keywords. To be effective with your pay-per-click campaigns, you must speak the searcher's language. The more keywords you select that your customers are searching for, the more traffic you'll drive to your website, the more consumers you'll convert to customers.
  • Creating a keyword list: Determining which keywords to target and bid on is the linchpin for all your PPC marketing strategies. Different keywords have different demand and traffic potential.
  • Grouping and segmenting: Keyword optimization helps organize your keywords into tight groups that are semantically related.
  • Improved relevancy: The key to a higher click-through rate is being relevant to the searcher's query. Higher CTR leads to better Quality Score. Optimized keywords are instrumental in being relevant.
  • Crafting ad text: To coax searchers into clicking on your ads, you need to integrate your keywords into your PPC ad text.
  • Landing page optimization: Once a user lands on your page, your message must match the offer. So the optimized keywords that were present in your ad text, must be present on your landing pages.
You can take your PPC optimization further by evaluating your AdWords account with the AdWords Performance Grader, which grades your campaigns on important factors like ad text and long-tail keyword optimization.
Social Media Keyword Optimization
Determining which keywords to target and how to incorporate them into your messaging is also a big factor in social media marketing. This guide to Keyword Research for Social Media is a good resource for determining which keywords your audience is using and covers everything from how to conduct keyword research for YouTube to researching keywords for Facebook.
What to Evaluate When Optimizing Keywords
When determining which keywords to choose for your optimizations efforts, there are a number of factors you should evaluate.
Keyword Popularity – The more popular a keyword is (meaning the more that people search for it), the more traffic it will drive to your website, should you rank highly for it, that is. When it comes to choosing keywords based on popularity, there are two lines of thinking.
  • Target the most popular keywords. This seems pretty straightforward. If you want to attract the most visitors to your website, you should optimize for the most searched for keywords. Right? But the more popular a keyword is, the harder it is to rank for.
  • Target less competitive keywords. It may seem counterintuitive to go after keywords that aren’t as popular, but for a new website, this is often the best approach. It’s very difficult to compete with mature websites that have achieved trust and authority for the most popular keywords in competitive ranking verticals. So sites that are young typically have more success optimizing for keywords that aren’t that popular or competitive or optimizing your keywords by integrating modifiers (thematic modifiers or geo-targeted modifiers) and creating mid to long tail keywords.
Keyword Relevance – It’s critical to choose keywords to optimize for based on how relevant they are to your products or services. If your keywords are not intrinsically relevant to what you're offering on your website, the traffic the search engines feed your website will not be delivered a relevant message. Thus, they will be unable to complete the “search and reward cycle.” You see, searchers seek relevance and without it you're unlikely to convert them into customers.
Keyword Intent – To determine the value of your keywords, you need to identify the intent of the searchers. Which stage are they at in the search cycle? Are they browsing? Are they ready to buy? Or are they simply looking for solutions or pursuing information?
The intent behind keywords or more specifically "search queries" can be broken down into three categories.
  • Navigational: company or brand queries, domain queries
  • Informational: curiosity, question-oriented, solution-seeking queries
  • Transactional: looking to purchase queries
It's important to optimize for the high intent keywords rather than keywords of low intent. By identifying, classifying and segmenting your high intent keyword groups into separate baskets of intent and eliminating the low-value keywords, you’ll see your search relevance rise and you’ll generate more, qualified traffic.
Keyword Optimization Tools and Resources
Finally, since it's so important to choose the right keyword for blogging, Web copy and landing page creation, let's wrap this up with some of the best tools on the Web for researching, analyzing, discovering and optimizing keywords. I've also included some of my favorite articles on keyword optimization, analysis and research so you can learn more about optimizing keywords.
If you’re starting a site from scratch, it can be difficult to know which keywords to target. The good news is there are a number of free tools to help you discover keywords.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Keyword Tracking Tips

Reliability is not a word you would normally associate with keyword phrase rankings on search engines. On any given day, they seem to vary from city to city and computer to computer.

It would be easy to shrug our shoulders and dismiss them as annoying gremlins that mysteriously move from one spot to the next. But the reality is that rankings are based on sophisticated — and often proprietary technologies — and will therefore vary among the search engine results pages (SERPs) of different search tools. Geography (influenced by IP addresses) and personalization (including anonymous cookies that track browsing history) will also continue to make an impact.

Take heart: If the success of your content marketing strategy is in any way dependent on your search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine rankings, there are plenty of tools and tactics available that might merit your time and effort to explore.

Here are eight ways I check keyword rankings as a part of an overall SEO-focused content marketing strategy:
1. WebCEO

This software product is my main source for keyword rankings. With WebCEO, I can quickly see rankings for the main search engines and look at the data from different angles, including history over months and how many keywords are ranking for the same page (the home page often supports the most keywords). Incidentally, if other products I use show significantly different results, I will often manually adjust the rankings here before delivering reports on a content marketing strategy’s SEO success.

2. SEOmoz Pro

It’s easy to add keywords to a campaign and get a sense of rankings over time. SEOmoz offers automated reports, which can be very helpful when analyzing whether your content marketing strategy is moving in the right direction, from an SEO perspective.

3. SheerSEO

I turn to SheerSEO all of the time while testing out potential keywords to pursue as part of a company’s marketing strategy. Plus, I can look at the historical performance of that keyword, to see if it is likely to remain valuable, or if its current popularity is an anomaly. In particular with SheerSEO, I appreciate the fact that the tool includes a view of the top 200 rankings on Google. It’s nice to know whether a keyword is ranking No. 5 or No. 150.

4. SEMrush

Though you don’t have the same level of control over your keywords that you do with other services, SEMrush does provide an incredible amount of information (including competitive research) based on the more than 90 million keywords that it monitors in its database. Depending on the popularity of your website, SEMrush will have a decent selection of the keywords that you care about. The rankings aren’t in real-time — they are based on a recent average, but this is just fine if you are looking to get a general sense, or want to compare those results to what you’re seeing elsewhere.

5. Browser extensions

If you are looking for some desktop apps that can give you a quick snapshot of your search performance, try checking your rankings using tools like the SEO SERP Workbench (Chrome extension) or Rank Checker from SEO Book.
6. iPhone/Mobile

I use my iPhone more than you might think to spot-check rankings for my clients. Normally, I’ll tap into the office’s WiFi network, but if you disable that connection, you can also see results that aren’t tied to the business’ IP address.
7. Friends

On some occasions, I’ll ask a friend or colleague to conduct a quick keyword search, so I can compare my results with theirs. To avoid being seen as a pest, I’ll rotate the list of people I send each request to, which also helps me include the perspectives of people from different locations.
8. Search engine spot checks

Believe it or not, I often check rankings simply by going to search engines like Google (still the most popular search engine, by far). Yet, the results you turn up there should be taken with a grain of salt because search engines seem to provide one thing I don’t want to include in my keyword analyses — the dreaded personalized results, which can bias rankings for certain terms. As a work-around, when I check rankings on Google, I make sure I’m not logged into my Google account, and I disable my browsing history. (Google has a 90-second video that explains how it tracks browser history, and how to disable it.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Latest Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products.
You find a product you like, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.
You’re happy because you earned a commission…
 The company is happy because they have a new sale from a customer that they might not have normally been able to reach…And the customer is happy because they learned about a product from you that will hopefully fulfill a need or desire.
The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to invest the time and effort to create a product to sell. You can begin selling something as an affiliate as soon as you have a platform to sell it on.
Affiliate marketing is something I’ve been doing ever since I started my first business online on my LEED Exam website – promoting a third party company’s practice exam software along with my own published eBooks and audio guides.
I also do affiliate marketing here on the Smart Passive Income blog, sharing many of the tools and services that I use to run my online businesses, and if you or anyone else purchases through my affiliate links I earn a commission. If you’ve purchased from my links before, thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your support.
The Two Most Important Rules I Have for Affiliate Marketing
Before I share the strategies that I’ve used to generate over $20,000 in affiliate commissions per month, there are extremely important rules I use when promoting products that are not my own. You don’t have to use these rules in order to become an affiliate or be successful at it, but it’s what has helped me grow my affiliate income tremendously over the last couple of years:
  I only recommend products as an affiliate that I’m extremely very familiar with – preferably products that I’ve used before and have helped me achieve something. If I’m not confident in the product and I don’t feel it will positively help people, I will not promote it.  I never directly tell anyone to buy a product. I always recommend products based on my experience and in the context of what I’ve done or what I’m doing.
Honest affiliate marketing has always worked best for me, so I encourage you to do the same.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

How to Set Up a Business Blog

Although the word “blogging” can be associated with personal websites in the digital world, building a business blog actually has a number of different advantages. Not only can business blogs be an incredibly useful tool in branding your business as an authority within your industry, they can also help you to attract and engage visitors and turn them into repeat customers. Today, we’ll look at how business blogs work in more depth, as well as cover the steps you need to take to add one to your own website. Let’s get started!
If you have a Homestead Business or Business Plus package, a blog is included as something you can add to your website. With that easy-to-use blog in place, it’s time to update it with fun and informative content. There are a few different types of blog posts that you’ll want to consider adding to your publishing schedule:
Newsworthy Content  In late 2011, Google released a major “Freshness” update with the goal of providing up-to-date results for specific topics. Basically, for certain search queries – like those related to conferences, major events or other time-sensitive occurrences – the search results follow a new algorithm which prioritizes timely content over articles that would otherwise rank well according to traditional SEO. Because of this – and because of the potential for your business blog to brand you as an authority in your industry – it’s a good idea to feature many articles on your blog that are related to high priority industry news. For example, if a new product or service is released in your niche, weighing in on it could help your site to get noticed in the Google SERPs faster than it would through traditional SEO.
Evergreen Content  “Evergreen” content is referred to this way because it contains information that will always be useful to your website visitors. For example, if you run a website in the fashion industry, certain trends will come and go, but articles on topics like “dressing your figure” or “budget shopping techniques” will always appeal to your readers. For best results, try to structure evergreen content around good long tail keywords in your niche – that is, keywords that have consistent search volume and a low number of competing pages. As your evergreen articles get shared around the web, these back links will help your articles to maintain high positions in the search results pages, ensuring that even more traffic finds its way back to your site.
Personal Content One of the other advantages of running a business blog is that it lets your readers see “the man (or woman) behind the mask.” When you run an internet business, you aren’t able to connect with customers the way you can in a traditional offline store. This often prevents the loyalty and associations that people have with their favorite offline retailers from developing with online merchants. A business blog lets you remedy this situation by sharing elements of your personal life or personal opinions with your readers. Obviously, your business blog isn’t the best place to post on the great dinner you had, but by carefully referencing pieces of your family life or personal philosophy can help readers form a more personal connection with you and your business.
When it comes to balancing these types of blog posts, there’s no exact formula to follow to determine what percentage of different types of posts will be appropriate. If you work in a fast-paced industry where things change quickly, you may want to dedicate more of your posts to newsworthy content. On the other hand, if you work in personal development or personal finance, sharing more information about your life through personal content could be valuable.

To identify the ratio that’s right for you, track how visitors respond to specific posts on your site. If you get more comments or social shares on one type of post over another, that could be an indication that your audience prefers this type of content. By paying attention to the reaction each post gets, you’ll be able to better tailor the content on your business blog to meet the unique needs of your audience.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Direct Income from Blogs

A great way to starting make money online by writing content for blog some bucks. You can earn from advertisement, affiliated programs, sponsorship, or even sell things on blog. More and more people are now finding it as one the best media to earn extra few dollars with this part time writing job. Many people have healthy earning each month from this media.
How It Adds Your Credibility In The Market

    It lets reader know you, and your interest.
    It is important to build up relationship for business purpose in future.
    It also gives you a platform to show your creativity or you voice can be heard above the mass and media.

Direct Income from Blogs

Wordpress and Blogger is example of such fine blogs where you can earn money through adsense. In fact you can sell your photographs too in wordpress. Also read: How to Make Money Online By Clicking Ads
Rely on Ads

You can experiment with your ad space on your blog. Some different advertising option includes
Contextual Ads

It is a very common way of earning. It includes programs like Google Adsense and YNP which scans your contents and after understanding what it is all about attempt to put text and image relevant ad to your blog. It is very simple and requires pasting codes into the blog templates.

Contextual ad is best for blogs on one particular topic especially if it has products or service related to it. The payment is per click basis. This ad doesn’t go well with general type blogs which has various topics discussed or one sided topic. It confuses adsense. There are many ad system which pays you on per click. Chitika eMiniMalls is mostly visited for per click purpose. They are not contextual like ad sense.
Avoid Ads

Avoid ads which can irritate readers and lower your traffics. Popups ads that flies around the entire screen can give a bad taste, though you can make more money with these.
Impression Ads

An impression ad includes paying a small amount of money when the viewers click on the advertisement. There amount varies but generally fraction of a cent. Sites like fast click, offers you impression ads on your blogs, but all you need is to pull traffic.
Text Ads

It is a popular way to sell ads with just a link. It does not take much space and you can control over the types of ads you want to allow or reject. One such great example is Ad bright. You can set your add and also price. Sites include, and adzaar.
RSS feeds

It a popular way of making people read your blog via RSS. Ad providers are keen to publish in RSS. The success rate here is high. Ad sense also offers RSS ads to its publishers. One best tool used by all is Feed burner .It helps in monetizing your own feeds. They have 3 categories Ad sense option, Amazon affiliated program and also Ad network. Pheedo is also another RSS feeder you might want to try out.

There are many bloggers who are now looking for their own advertisers. When your blogs get bigger in profile you will get to know more just private options. You should target advertiser who gives out similar products related to your blogs. You should mention your readers that the content is sponsored. You can offer banner ads, text links and hence forth for your blogs.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Make Money Online Without Investment

Who doesn't want to have cash in their hands quickly? If one is creative and confident about their skills and have patience googling around, then making money online won’t be tough.

If you are one of those who are looking for extra cash, let me tell you internet has some very quick ways to make money fast without going anywhere. You can choose your work according to your skills and work at your own comfort.

There are numerous online jobs available, where less time spend to earn more, but one must be smart enough to find the right one. All you need is to be active online and have a fast PC connection. But one must be careful about the scams around, as everything online is not genuine.
Tips to make money online
There are many famous sites which allow you to make money, either by writing or entering data. You need to do

    submit your work on time

    keep updated with projects

    touch with clients

Content Writing Jobs
Many companies now a day’s outsourcing work to new writers for up to $10 per writings. Online writing jobs is a good option for earning money. Though it is the toughest way, as one has to write continuously for months to get high traffic. But once people get interested in reading the blog they will return again and again and you can earn for the popularity. It needs a lot of patience.
Data Entry Working Sites
You can earn money online from data entry jobs from home sites like Imagetypers, Kolatibablo, and Qlink captchas allow you to earn 150 dollars a month just by typing captchas. If you can easily type around 1000 captchas in an hour your rate can go up from 85 cents to anywhere 1.25 dollars. But here is the catch, avoid typing in wrong captchas, as it can suspend your account and decrease your rate. You do not need to have super knowledge of computers to start this job. Just install few applications and you are good to go. You can surely invest 2hours to earn $2 per day.
Blogs are the best place to make money online. You can make money blogging. You need not investment to blog. There are lots of free blog available in net like,, etc. You can sign up those types of blogs and start earning.
Make Money at Facebook
Facebook is social networking site which is used by lot of million users. You can make money from facebook in many ways like make money from facebook fanpage, likes, groups, applications, games, etc.
Online surveys
You can earn money from online surveys. Just answering the questions in the online surveys. Through this way you can get money. There are several types of surveys available. You also get all types as your wish and make money online surveys.
The internet is now becoming an ideal platform for those who are willing to earn without spending a penny. Before you decide to start working as a data entry specialist, captchas typist or as a web writer do read their details properly and if that doesn’t satisfy your doubt give them a call for more information. Look for sites where you can make money online without investments, it is just the patience you need to qualify....