Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Smart Tips for Brilliant Content Writing

Who doesn’t want to write better content for Web pages? Great content can command online traffic, create revenue and help the writer of that content establish a good reputation or even an online fan following. Well-written, keyword-rich Web content is a very powerful tool. It’s also what most Web sites on the Internet desire. When you know how to write better content, there’s a lot you can achieve.

Content on the Web is a hot commodity and it’s what everyone wants. Well-written, keyword-rich content is attractive to readers, Web masters and search engines. In order to use it to boost your page rankings, levels of traffic and even revenue, you’ll have to learn how to create that content. Master a few tips and tricks, and you’ll learn the secrets of how to write better content.

Writing Better Content

Anyone can learn the secrets of writing better content, and online content can always be better. To write really good online content, it’s necessary to blend the needs of the site with the needs of the search engines — and all of this must be molded into an easy-to-read, interesting bit of information for casual Internet readers. It may sound like a lot, especially when factoring in those all-important keywords, but writing better content should always be the goal. After all, why bother if it’s no good? Highly-polished, entertaining online content reflects well on you and the site where your content is displayed…and there’s nothing wrong with that.

When writing for the Web, there are many different elements that must come together. Learn various tips and tricks that make this bit of business a little easier.

When writing for the Web, it’s easy to get caught up in keyword concerns. Certain words and phrases are all-important in every piece of content. It’s not hard at all to put so much focus into the keywords the rest of the article suffers, but there’s a way to address keyword concerns and write better content at the same time. Follow a few tricks for keyword usage and placement, and make content readable even while it remains strong with the search engines.

Phrases . The keyword phrases you use are probably the most important aspect of your content writing. The entire piece should be built around one or two strong keyword phrases. It’s these keyword phrases that should make up the titles and subtitles of your content. You’ll also want these phrases (two to four words in length, generally) to appear several times throughout the content. But where?

Placement . Many Web writers find themselves agonizing over keyword placement. Try to include your main keyword phrases at least once in every other paragraph, if not every paragraph. The keywords should appear in the titles, subtitles, and at the very beginning of the content itself. Repeat keyword phrases at least twice in each piece of content, but remember not to get too repetitive. If your phrases are appearing several times in the same paragraph, you’re just trying to swamp the search engines. You won’t achieve the placement you seek, and you’re likely to turn the online readers away from your writing.

Density . Wondering if you have enough keywords in your content? Use any number of online keyword tools to check keyword density, before publishing content live to the Internet.

One highly important aspect of online content is overlooked by writers: readability. Some writers get so focused on their keyword usage, they forget to make sure the content reads well. Remember that even online writing is still writing – and what you present will reflect on you and on the site where your content appears.

It’s important to continue to pay attention to grammar and sentence structure. Go ahead and read your content out loud after it’s written, to be sure it flows nicely and makes perfect sense.

You’ll also want to avoid big and complex words. Most people read around an eighth grade level, so be sure to write to your audience and keep content simple and easy to read at all times.

"How to" and "Top 10" articles are highly popular with both search engines and Internet readers. Articles featuring lists are very easy to read and often strike a chord with Web traffic. It’s a good idea to include articles of this type on your site.

After all the writing, reading and worry about keywords, you might think you’re finally finished with creating great online content. But there’s still more that goes into your words — the way they look. The Internet is, after all, highly visual. It only makes sense that everything on a Web site, even the content, should look attractive.

You’ll find out soon enough that long, huge blocs of text aren’t at all attractive. When writing for the Web, be sure to break up your content to create white space that helps separate certain points. It’s a good idea to include subheadings that separate different parts of your content.

You’ll also want to write in short paragraphs, as they usually appear longer on the Web than they do on your word processor. Remember that Internet users like to quickly scan Web pages to pick out the pieces they want to view more closely; they’ll treat your content the same way.

Include bullet points and lists in your online content whenever possible as well. This creates more natural division and makes it incredibly easy for readers to see exactly what the content is all about. They can easily pick out these points and look them over. For important points, you may want some words and phrases to appear in bold lettering. This can be a good way to draw the eye, but avoid over-doing it, as this might make it more difficult to read the overall pieces.

Pretty up the look of basic, boring text with links and pictures as well. You don’t want to add too many links to your content, as this can often create a distracting look. It’s a good idea to include no more than two links per paragraph. This well help some important words and phrases stand out, without creating so much confusion that your content is hard to read. Pictures should be used in much the same way; don’t swamp the pieces with photos, but break up some of that text with images meant to catch the eye. This helps the reader move down the page naturally, and interrupts that otherwise plain look of text.

Other Tips and Tricks

There’s a lot you should do if you want to write better content, and it’s hard to keep track of everything you’ve got to remember when writing. But sometimes, if you want to improve your words, you just need to know some of the things you shouldn’t do.

For instance, don’t underline . Use bold or italicized text instead. When you underline words this creates confusion, as links often appear with an underline. You’d hate to have your traffic clicking uselessly against their screens, right?

Don’t focus on too many phrases , either. The Internet is so keyword-driven that you may be tempted to stuff dozens of them in a single piece of content. You’re actually not doing yourself any good with the saturation approach. Choose one or two strong keyword phrases and place your emphasis on these words alone. Want to include more keywords on your site? Write more content.

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