Saturday, 12 July 2014

5 Free Tools For Content Writers

If you write for web marketing purposes, you need all the help you can get. It’s tough to stand out and get your message across. The good news is there are five great apps that will aid you from start to finish. With managing projects, campaigns and your contributing authors, there is a lot to handle. Of course, SEO is the driving force behind traffic on the web – we all want to rank higher in the search engines. Researching tools with quick reference to original sites and potential content adds to the value of the content. Presentations using media that capture attention quickly, draws people in while providing valuable information. A great call to action elicits conversions, requests for more information and/or subscribers to market to in the future. And you’ll want to finalize the content with grammar and plagiarism checks and improve the content as much as possible. But all of this can take significant time. We need shortcuts that will help us get it done more efficiently.

So, if you are a web content writer, these five apps will come in very handy:

1. DivvyHQ
All types of online writing require time management over each campaign, ad and article. DivvyHQ is a spreadsheet style Editorial Calendar to plan your content with deadlines. It has a sharing feature. There is a free version for the single user. There is an easy to use dashboard with a place for your ideas. The Master Calendar maintains all campaigns and tracks the types of content you are writing. It has searchable and customizable labeling for each type of content you publish. It features a multi client management capability tool. It also has an alert system based on the assigned work and deadlines, preventing overdue work.

2. Google Keyword Tool
Once you have the subject or idea to write about, perform a keyword search to determine exactly the type of words people use to search for that information. Google’s Keyword Tool is free, and the easiest to use. There is a list of stats for each keyword. Choose the keywords with 5,000 or more searches per month to ensure higher volume of traffic. This is part of the SEO development that is necessary to gain the most attention from readers.

3. Snagit
Snagit is the best tool for screen capturing websites. It allows you to create resources to go back and read later. These saved pages are available to insert into presentations as well, further adding interest to the content.

4. Sliderocket
Presentation is everything! A deck should inform the customer, engage them and potentially sell them on the information presented. Today an app like Sliderocket gives you the ability to show presentations right from your phone and on social networks. It works with GoogleDrive as well. Import existing presentations, check analytics and use team access to develop each slide. Learn how to create the most powerful, useful presentations with a call-to-action that gets results.

5. Grammarly
Grammar and plagiarism checks are a big part of content writing for the web. Grammarly automatically checks work, recommends corrections, utilizes synonyms to freshen the verbiage and checks for plagiarism. Any similarity to a website, will display the website for citation purposes or you can modify the sentence to make it unique. It is a powerful tool. With Grammarly, you can present the most professional web content every time. Execute each published article with this effective proofreading tool.

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